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Essentials of Life-Span Development

Essentials of Life-Span Development

  • Writer : John West Santrock
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2017-01-26
  • Total pages : 560
  • ISBN : 1259708799

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Essentials of Life-Span Evolution

Essentials of Life-Span Development

  • Author : John W. Santrock,Catherine Mondloch,Anne Mackenzie
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2020-01-23
  • Full pages : 561
  • ISBN : 1260306194

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Essentials of Life-Span Evolution

Essentials of Life-Span Development

  • Author : John W. Santrock
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2011-02
  • Total pages : 494
  • ISBN : 007131640X


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Loose Leaf for Essentials of Life-Bridge Evolution

Loose Leaf for Essentials of Life-Span Development

  • Author : John West Santrock
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Engagement : 2019-01-07
  • Full pages : 576
  • ISBN : 1260529894

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ISE Essentials of Life-Span Evolution

ISE Essentials of Life-Span Development

  • Author : John W. Santrock
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2021-03-02
  • Full pages : 577
  • ISBN : 1265359849

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Essentials of Life-Bridge Development

Essentials of Life-Span Development

  • Author : John W Santrock
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2017-01-26
  • Full pages : 560
  • ISBN : 1259708799

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A Topical Approach to Life-span Development

A Topical Approach to Life-span Development

  • Author : John West. Santrock
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Appointment : 2019
  • Total pages : 229
  • ISBN : 1260060926


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Essentials of Human Development: A Life-Bridge View

Essentials of Human Development: A Life-Span View

  • Author : Robert V. Kail,John C. Cavanaugh
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2016-01-01
  • Full pages : 576
  • ISBN : 9781305856363


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Life Span Human Development 4e

Life Span Human Development 4e

  • Author : Carol M. Sigelman,Linda De George,Kimberley Cunial,Marker Kohler,Nadine Ballam,Elizabeth A. Passenger
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2021-10-01
  • Total pages : 736
  • ISBN : 9780170452816


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Lifespan Development

Lifespan Development

  • Author : Lumen Learning,Laura Overstreet
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Engagement : 2020-01-02
  • Total pages : 468
  • ISBN : 1641760745

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Emotional Intelligence For Dummies

Emotional Intelligence For Dummies

  • Author : Steven J. Stein
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2009-07-13
  • Total pages : 368
  • ISBN : 9780470676240

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Lifespan Development

Lifespan Development

  • Author : Anonim
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2018
  • Total pages : 229
  • ISBN : 0730355063

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  • Writer : John Santrock
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Appointment : 2011-06-16
  • Total pages : 494
  • ISBN : 007752795X

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Life Span Motor Development

Life Span Motor Development

  • Author : Kathleen 1000. Haywood,Nancy Getchell
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2021-06-01
  • Total pages : 448
  • ISBN : 9781718210820


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Gregg Shorthand Series xc -Trans. Tapes

Gregg Shorthand Series 90 -Trans. Tapes

  • Author : Gregg
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 1981-02-01
  • Total pages : 229
  • ISBN : 0070878196

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Loose Foliage Version of Essential Life-Span Development and Connect Access Carte du jour

Loose Leaf Version of Essential Life-Span Development and Connect Access Card

  • Author : John Santrock
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2013-01-07
  • Total pages : 229
  • ISBN : 0077822048

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Human Evolution: A Life-Span View

Human Development: A Life-Span View

  • Author : Robert 5. Kail,John C. Cavanaugh
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Engagement : 2015-01-01
  • Full pages : 720
  • ISBN : 9781305480636

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Lifespan Evolution

Lifespan Development

  • Writer : Denise Roberts Boyd,Helen L. Bee,Paul A Johnson
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2017-02-21
  • Total pages : 672
  • ISBN : 0134431316

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Exploring Lifespan Development

Exploring Lifespan Development

  • Author : Laura E. Berk
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Appointment : 2010
  • Total pages : 523
  • ISBN : 0205748597

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  • Writer : Gabriela Martorell
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2021
  • Full pages : 229
  • ISBN : 1264002823


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Life-Span Evolution 17e

Life-Span Development 17e

  • Author : SANTROCK
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2018-09-x
  • Total pages : 832
  • ISBN : 1260092089

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